B4F Fitness News

Cape Cod Chronicle

Balanced 4 Fitness Reformer Training with Andi Hibbert

Balanced 4 Fitness Studio goes GREEN

Zumba results with Andi Hibbert!

Minding Your Business

by Amy Tagliaferri

One of lifes goals is to love what you do, and get paid for it!  Andi Hibbert, owner of Balanced 4 Fitness, loves what she does, and that enthusiasm is a bonus for anyone involved with her exercise programs and/or workouts. The benefits of her classes are obvious, what’s not so apparent right away is the contagious energy this woman projects. Youll want to emulate her, and you’ll want to get fit and feel healthy.

I love fitness. I hear music, I see choreography. Hibbert is available for one-on-one personal training sessions, and small groups situations at her studio. I have  eight Lemond Remaster bikes for SPINNING, eight Pilates  chairs, Three reformer/spring towers. This is an official spinning certified facility, star level  Hibbert also teaches seasonal classes for Nauset Community Education since 2004

Joseph Pilates was a genius.Most people don’t know he began his exercises as a means to correct ballet injuries.  His moves should be seen as corrective factors not challenges, explains Hibbert. Jœ Pilates is all about training your body from your core. Everything starts with your core muscles. Just think of a big oak tree; if the trunk is strong the limbs can hold anything. Hibbert says your core is tied in with your balance, and once you achieve good posture and form anything is possible.

I love the BOSU.If there was a fire in my studio and I could only grab one item, I would grab the BOSU. The BOSU, which stands for Both Sides Up, is an incredible piece of equipment. It works your stabilizer muscles, those core muscles. When exercising on a flat surface, you’re using the same muscles that you use when you walk around.The BOSU makes you use those muscles you don’t use. A young boy came in for session with me and we used the BOSU to aid him in achieving better balance for more powerful hitting in baseball. He hit a home run the next time he played!

Hibbert has owned her own facility for nine years now and is a certified Personal Trainer, Pilates instructor, BOSU instructor, the aforementioned SPINNING instructor, and has competed in body building competitions, practiced martial arts and more. One of her specialties is in exercise programs for the elderly. I started working with the elderly at 15 years of age. I am a registered home health aide. I’ve always been very sensitive to the elderly and never treat anyone like an invalid. My 82-year-old mother-in-law works on the BOSU with me.  I am also very responsive to anyone new to fitness or who has never been on a mat.

My goal as a Personal Fitness Trainer is to re-teach you lessons of correct form, flexibility and grace of movement so that energy is not wasted through  insufficient movement, to remove the stumbling blocks of insecurities and limitations so that you will achieve advancement in your being and spirit that will last you a lifetime.

This fall Hibbert is coming to Chatham, October 19,2016 for a Parkinson’s workshop/ lecture But in the meantime, why not call Hibbert (or check out her website)  today to take one of the many affordable classes she offers in Orleans?  She will inspire you to get on the road to feeling fit and enjoying your life more.
